Please read the Legaleze section under HTML.edit Help for information regarding copyrights, credits and distribution.
• Future Availability
Please note that this is probably the last beta version that will be released in the next month or two. This version is labelled beta, but may be as close to a full release as I can get this time around. I'm in the process of moving and my wife and I are just about ready for our first baby, so please watch comp.infosystems.www for announcements of future versions. If I have the time, I will release this beta (minus any reported bugs) as the full version before December 1st. If you don't see it before then, well, I'm probably changing diapers…
Please email any comments or problems you find with this version to the author at
• Fruitcakes In Progress…
• add Help on navigation buttons and Info windoid
• priority on Help documentation on Anchor and Image Utility, including Balloon Help
• that icon in the bottom left corner of the document window? For info on the Text Library, see below.
• perform operations based on label
• eliminate Line Feeds commands and use platform-based auto-filter on import/export (prefs)
• Duplicate Document command
• improve handling of heirarchy of folders -- hard disk, www root, project folders
• Replace in Selection only
• save selection after entities, table conversion? (keep original size, then get difference)
• make Master Headers and Footers into separate backgrounds with indices
• NOTES ON HTML.edit v1.5:
Preview Document
The new button found at the right end of the tool palette is the Preview button. This opens your favorite WWW browser and loads the current HTML document. I've had problems with everything but Netscape Mosaic, but NCSA Mosaic sometimes works too. MacWeb crashes my machine when I try to load a document. But I haven't done extensive testing yet, so please just be forewarned. (HTML.edit sends an "openURL" appleEvent)
Text Library
The curious insertion point icon in the bottom left corner of the document window? A feature in-development, sort of like a mini-clipboard. It only has an effect when hilited (click to hilite). When hilited, make a text selection, then hold down the Option key and pass the cursor over the Text Library icon -- no click necessary. You'll hear a beep and the text selection is saved to the library found on the Preferences card. All return characters are encoded as "¬" (option-L). To retrieve a library item, place the insertion point in your text, then pass the cursor over the icon again (no Option key this time.) You'll see a dialog box from where you can choose a Text Library item, which will be inserted into your document. Yes, the interface sucks and this probably won't make the final cut but this is a beta and I'm still working on it…
Application Window
Note that you can option-drag on the document (not window) zoom box, which brings up a popup menu to resize the application window.
HTML Comments
There seems to be some confusion as to what constitutes an HTML comment. Tim Berners-Lee and Dan Connolly's Internet Draft HTML Specification, as well as the draft HTML 2.0 DTD calls for comments to be tagged <!-- comment --> while some browsers seems to require <!-- comment >, missing the closing "--". I was using an HTML comment to delimit the footer text within a document, and noticed this while checking a document with NetScape: all text past the comment is truncated if you close the comment "correctly" (ie., according to the 2.0 DTD). What to do? You may wish to check this with your browser. There's a checkbox preference for either choice.
HTML.edit Help no longer requires a separate Help file. If you are upgrading from a previous version, please check the "Installing HTML.edit" section in Help, especially if you notice any anomalies with the Futura display font.
• Change History
(1.1.3d197/1.5b1 11/29/94)
- fixed minor bug in HTML Footer, etc. and checked problem with
HTMLStructure (better error checking)
(1.1.3d196 11/28/94)
- substantially rewrote parsers for document structure tags, with improved error checking
for header, body and footer tags
- optionKey modifiers for Entity menus to convert/reconvert ALL entities (including <>&")
- added display of Scroll Window on click in grey area outside of document window
- changing version to 1.5 for release
(1.1.3d191 11/23/94)
- added Reconvert Entities command and restructured Utilities and HyperText menus.
Redid the Palette Help graphics to include new commands and rewrote the associated Help sections.
- rewrote numerous sections of Help
(1.1.3d186/1.1.3b6 11/15/94)
- support for three report printing formats: US Letter, US Legal, and A4 Letter (set on Prefs card).
- fixed stupid bug in palette menus
- some cleanup on Preferences card
(1.1.3d184/1.1.3b5 11/14/94)
- Hilight HTML command now works under all HTML palette menus, available under each Index HTML
command. To add to any current hiliting, hold down the Shift key while choosing the command.
- Default Text (under Utilities menu) sets the document text to the default as set on Preferences.
This eliminates any text styles that are part of pasted-in text, as well as any text hiliting created by
the Hilight HTML commands.
- cleaned up several handlers and wrote more Help documentation.
(see HTML.edit ReadMe document for extended history)